I must be on a mirror kick this week. Of course, I've been checking Craigslist for simple, rectangular mirrors. I won't get anything like that now, because I really don't need a project right before leaving for a long road trip.
I did find this, though.
The description says the mirror's 3-4 feet tall and that it was created by an artisan in Rockport, TX. Well, at $125, how could I pass it up? So now that puppy's mine. It's closer to 3' tall, but I still think it's worth what I paid, especially after googling "shell mirror" and seeing what else is out there.
I plan to hang it above my living room sofa. Now I just need to figure out what to flank it with. Any suggestions?
The more I study the "Something's Gotta Give" living room, the more I like it. I can't do a large dhurrie rug, though, because of the three cats and one dog. I am interested in one of those indoor/outdoor rugs that can be hosed off. And look what I found at Ballard's.
The pic doesn't show it, but it's available in blue. And it's on sale. Plus I have a 10% off code for being a new homeowner. That means I can get this rug for $125 plus S&H!
Now, I also love the dark, dark wood floor in the "Something's Gotta Give House." Again, with the three cats and one dog, wood floors are probably not the most practical thing. Currently, we have carpet, and let me tell you, that's not practical either. Very soon, we will be pulling up the carpet and laying vinyl plank strips by Novalis. Lest you think they'll look cheapy, we have a relative who put this in her mountain home kitchen, and it looks fabulous. In fact, her kitchen floor abuts the real wood floors at both entrances, and you'd never know one was not wood.
Currently, the Novalis doesn't come as dark as I would like, but I'm okay with the Gunstock color. I just can't tell you how excited I will be to put away the Resolve carpet spray!
It usually takes me a while to get a house situated before moving on to accessories, but it looks like the living room won't take much longer to get presentable. Stay tuned for updates and pics.
Style Showcase 276
2 hours ago
Sandra...How cool. LOVE your mirror! The kids and I did one in our last house. Hot glue and shells from the beach and some we bought. Sold it in a garage sale for $50 clams! Yours is lovely....and MUCH more professional! That floor IS quite amazing, I was in HD recently and saw it, I was blown away how much it looked like wood yet was just a bendable flexible piece of rubber. I thought it might be real useful in the Laundry room. I have a nee dto put wood over our stained concrete....It is really losing steam!
Can't wait to see pix!!!
Sandra, our hotel room in Berlin had a wood type floor in the bathroom. Yet it wasn't a typical nail-down hardwood floor or a floating wood/laminate floor. It had grout lines between the strips. I am wondering now if it was the vinyl wood or something else? All I know is that it looked FAB.
Love your ideas and love the mirror! I think some sconces would look great. Will this be near the bird prints??? I'm confused...
Amber, the vinyl planks fit flush, so I don't know what kind of floor would've had grout lines. If I didn't think it'd look good, I wouldn't even consider the vinyl, but most people prefer it over laminate, and it's more affordable.
I have wanted to try to copy a shell mirror for my oldest's room but have been gun shy so far. I adore that rug you found. I can totally see why you must have it. Thanks for coming by to visit me Sandra!
Sandra, when we were house hunting, We looked at a house that had floors that appered to be wood. However, as I went up the stairs, I thought it didn't feel like walking on wood. So I bent down to touch the floors and they wer ecold, like stone. The realtor told me they were a ceramic prodcut that was all the rage now. It looks like real wood, but it's ceramic planks, I guess is how they are sold. She said it is expensive, but maintenance free and wears like iron. I'm totally going to look into it- I forgot about it until Amber mentioned the floors in Germany with grout. I bet it was the same product.
PS Love your shell mirror.
I wish I was moving along as quickly as you were. I think I'm paralyzed at the thought of possibly having to sell in two years and trying to think neutral in case we do. Hate that.
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