Sorry for my absence of late. Funny thing about blogging. Even for those of us who enjoy writing, connecting with others and sharing our hobbies and passions, it's easy to hit a road block with blogging. Other things in our lives can get in the way, too. When you have a full time job, a home and a family, well, a girl's gotta have priorities.
And today's priority is to get back on track with Canyon Wren Cottage and post this week's Home of the Week. (I'm renewing my commitment to Canyon Wren Cottage, and I thank you for your loyalty and friendship).
I've mentioned the old, monied area of Austin's Enfield before. While there are some beautiful neighborhoods around town, I think it's hard to beat the architecture and character of the old homes along Windsor Road.
Built in 1939, this home's traditional architecture encompasses a sizable 3678 square feet. The real estate listing says one can see the UT Tower, Texas State Capitol and downtown from this lot. It's hard to put a price on a view like that.

Now for the nitty gritty... The home boasts 3 bedrooms (though the real estate listing says the exercise room could be a 4th bedroom) and 5 baths. The price tag? $2,000,000.
Went to school there and lived in that area as a student! (in a run down apt, I might add) Always loved it and my Husband and I talk about returning there someday!!
Sigh....Miss it bunches~
Misplaced Texan,
I was thinking I could be happy there but at $2,000,000 I'm going to just have to dream. I guess the view must have upped the price just a bit.
I'm with Cara on the miss it bunches!!!!!
Welcome back!! You have been missed on the blogosphere -
Thanks for your renewed commitment. I found your blog through Cote de Texas and just love it. I'm a Texas girl living in Kansas and your blog is slowly luring me back!
I would drive the area while at UT- sweet memories! A beautiful home. So different from the outside...
Welcome back Sandra- missed ya!
Wow. Thats a pretty house! I love it!
What a charming house! Austin is such a great town.
I love this area of town so much! this house is so cute - the outside is espeically appealing. Welcome back!!!
Hi Sandra.
Congratulations on taking a break from blogging for a bit. I think we all have to do that sometimes.
The front facade of this home is beautiful. Love the stone and the shutters.
I'm also a bit jealous of all of the gardens! We live on a small postage stamp sized lot, so I always get a bit envious when I see homes with some elbow room.
Have a wonderful day.
Hey, Sandra, yes sometimes life gets in the way. Love this house, it truly is stunning.
Love the outside and the outside areas...I dunno so much about the inside. Picky, eh?
I love this old area of Austin... beautiful home... could probably get it for under 2mil... in todays market..
still outta my range!
I LOVE the Enfield area of Austin...oh, to be able to afford that little gem.
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