Today's Friday cocktail is by Ari Hest. He's another singer we saw on The Rock Boat back in 2006. He has a voice as smooth as "buttuh" and the most gorgeous falsetto you'll probably ever hear. Why this guy hasn't made it big yet is beyond me. Maybe it's because he sounds a bit like Three Doors Down, and they beat him to the punch.
If you're an American Idol fan, you may remember this song sung by Jason Castro in 2007. Actually, there are several versions on YouTube, but I promise you, Ari's will give you goosebumps, especially when he starts in his falsetto. Enjoy!
My friend, Amber, is taking a well-deserved hiatus from her blog, Blue Mango. She's the one who started the Friday Cocktail. I love that idea, and she has graciously given me permission to continue with it. Starting Friday, February 13, we'll do Friday Cocktail blog parties. I'll try to figure out Mr. Linky, and you can participate with whatever musician or group you'd like to feature that week.
Good for you Sandra!
Ya know...I am really partial to Jeff Buckley's version....But Aris was GOOD. REALLY good.
Nice way to start the day!
Be sure to post the rules and all; it sounds like something fun to participate in! Any kind of cocktail sounds fun, come to think of it...
This sounds like fun. I like the music!
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