And now for today's cocktail... Pat Green is an icon in Texas country music. Not only is he a great singer and songwriter, but he went to my alma mater, Texas Tech, so that's another plus for the guy. Oh, and I've met him, and he's super nice and very down to earth.
For the last few years, he's kind of wavered between Texas country and Nashville. Texas country music die-hards would call him a sell-out. I'm not a purist either way; I just like good music. Last summer, Pat came out with a song called "Let Me." It received modest airplay on mainstream country stations. I'm surprised it didn't do even better. Take a listen and see if you don't think this should've been a big hit for this nice Red Raider.
Thanks for the tip about coke zero. I am trying not to drink any calories right now and am getting pretty sick of diet tonic water - however much lime juice I squeeze into it! xv
coke and some tunes....hard to beat that on a friday.
well...yes, I think a margarita could trump it now that you mention it!
Thanks for the reminder about coke zero - I've tried it and just love it. It's now on my shopping list for tomorrow!
I actually had to research and write a case study about Coke Zero for a marketing textbook project last year. Coca-Cola found in their research that a lot of men thought Diet Coke was a "girly drink," so they wouldn't touch it. Hence the manly black Coke Zero packaging, and the commercials aimed at men. Isn't that funny? In Australia it's known as "the bloke Coke." Ha.
Will get some Coke Zero for hubby to try. I am a die hard DP fan. Have a great weekend...
Back again,- please check out French Essence as I have included you in my post. Feel free to pass on the award or not but great to have found your blog, xv.
Julia, that's interesting about the labeling of Coke Zero to appeal to men. Makes sense, because my husband is the biggest drinker of it in our family.
You're right Linda, not bad for a Red Raider!! heehee! Seriously, he's very good!
Hook 'em Horns! j.
you're right. that song's a keeper.
Diet coke is my one addiction. I'm trying to quit, and going through withdrawal. I wonder if there is a rehab house for ex-coke addicts.
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