Sorry for my absence of late. Funny thing about blogging. Even for those of us who enjoy writing, connecting with others and sharing our hobbies and passions, it's easy to hit a road block with blogging. Other things in our lives can get in the way, too. When you have a full time job, a home and a family, well, a girl's gotta have priorities.
And today's priority is to get back on track with Canyon Wren Cottage and post this week's Home of the Week. (I'm renewing my commitment to Canyon Wren Cottage, and I thank you for your loyalty and friendship).
I've mentioned the old, monied area of Austin's Enfield before. While there are some beautiful neighborhoods around town, I think it's hard to beat the architecture and character of the old homes along Windsor Road.
Built in 1939, this home's traditional architecture encompasses a sizable 3678 square feet. The real estate listing says one can see the UT Tower, Texas State Capitol and downtown from this lot. It's hard to put a price on a view like that.

Now for the nitty gritty... The home boasts 3 bedrooms (though the real estate listing says the exercise room could be a 4th bedroom) and 5 baths. The price tag? $2,000,000.